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1-1_A Study on Impact of International Container Vessels during and Post Pandemic.pdfDownload
1-2_Fast Recovery or Stagnation_The Maritime Industry post COVID 19.pdfDownload
1-3_Identification of Maritime Education and Training Institutions (METIs) risk in pandemic restrictions.pdfDownload
1-4_Impact of COVID19 on Ports and Maritime Transport.pdfDownload
1-5_Life after Covid-19 Cruise Industry Rising from the Ashes.pdfDownload
1-6_Remote Instruction Challenges, Initiatives, and Future Directions for Maritime Education Institutions in a Developing Country.pdfDownload
1-7_The Covid-19 Pandemic and its Impact on the Maritime Sector in Croatia and the World.pdfDownload
1-8_The Effect of Covid-19 on Coastal Shipping in Mediterranean and Black Sea.pdfDownload
1-9_What is after Covid-19 Changing Economies of the Shipping Industries and Maritime Education Institutions.pdfDownload
2-1_Global Maritime Professional_University Course of Risk Assessment - Case Study of Cadets Academic Performance.pdfDownload
2-2_Marine Student's Information Literacy Skills- A Case Study of Marine Engineer's Bachelor Thesis at Chalmers U.pdfDownload
2-3_Methodological Basis for Training CadetsProfessionals and Developing the Risks Management System in Maritime .pdfDownload
2-4_Prediction of the Potential Human Errors Probability of Critical Safety Tasks.pdfDownload
2-5_Sustainable Development in Maritime Education and Training (SDiMET) Towards Global Maritime Professionals (GMP) Development.pdfDownload
2-6_The Application of the Global Maritime Professional Framework.pdfDownload
3-1_Is outsourcing the Panacea A discourse on the sustainability of Indian Ports A case of Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust.pdfDownload
3-2_Maritime Surveillance in the Gulf of Suez Identifying Opportunities for Future Improvements.pdfDownload
3-3_The Impact of the Container Throughput of the Adriatic Gate Container Terminal at the Port of Rijeka on Air Quality Environmental.pdfDownload
4-1_Active Learning Strategies in Maritime English Training.pdfDownload
4-2_Application of Augmented Reality (AR) Virtual Reality (VR) Technology for Remote Maintenance of Autonomous Ships.pdfDownload
4-3_Behind the scenes Educating to work as done or work as imagined.pdfDownload
4-4_Comparative analysis for State-of-the-Art Simulation Training Systems Those Influence onto the Future Engineers’ Knowledge and Skills.pdfDownload
4-5_Developing Outcomes-Based Model Courses Using Identified Evidence-Based Practices.pdfDownload
4-6_ECDIS EHO Handling the ECDIS failure at sea.pdfDownload
4-7_Innovative Teaching Method for Shiphandling – Element of Project “Euro Za” between South Africa and Europe –.pdfDownload
4-8_Intelligent Support of the User of the E-Navigation Marine Ergatic System.pdfDownload
4-9_Interdisciplinary Development of Maritime Education and Training Orienting to Career Planning in the era of Artificial Intelligence.pdfDownload
4-10_Measuring Situation Awareness in Engine Control Operation.pdfDownload
4-11_PROMETHEAS Project Mental Health Data Research Hub for Seafarers.pdfDownload
4-12_Redefined Definition of the STCW Competences.pdfDownload
4-13_Sustainable development processes of education technologies A multiple case study.pdfDownload
4-14_The Evaluation of Professional Practice in Maritime Education A Case Study at Faculty of Maritime Studies in the Republic of.pdfDownload
4-15_The Factors Affecting the MET Instructors’ Efficiency.pdfDownload
4-16_The Use of Blended Learning Approach to Improve the Students’ Academic Performance in Meteorology and Oceanography 1.pdfDownload
4-17_Towards improving SAR search patterns by time-minimal paths.pdfDownload
4-18_Towards Introducing Knowledge Management Concept to Maritime Education & Training.pdfDownload
5-1_Automation of FRAMO Cargo Pump purging with IoT.pdfDownload
5-2_Big Data Management in the Shipping Industry Examining Strengths Vs Weaknesses and Highlighting Relevant Business Opportunities.pdfDownload
5-3_Cyber Security Analysis of Maritime Surveillance Systems.pdfDownload
5-4_Leadership Capabilities for a Maritime University in the 21st Century.pdfDownload
5-5_Navigational Alarms and Warnings to Support VTS Operation.pdfDownload
5-6_Novel Shipping Competitiveness Index Using Ordered Weighted Average Operator.pdfDownload
5-7_Proposal for the introduction of “Shore to Ship Alert System”.pdfDownload
5-8_The Interrelationship Between Coastal, Great Lakes, Inland, and Deep- Sea Freight Rates A Longitudinal Approach.pdfDownload
5-9_The journey towards autonomous ships and the role of seafarers in the future a bibliographical perspective.pdfDownload
5-10_The new trend of maritime transport and job opportunities.pdfDownload
5-11_Towards Enhancing Maritime Asset Management Value Through Transforming Maritime Expert Knowledge into Machine Learning Models.pdfDownload
6-1_Applicability of International Law in Development of Sust.pdfDownload
7-1_A triboelectric-electromagnetic hybrid generator for wave energy harvesting.pdfDownload
7-2_Limitations and Opportunities for Wave Energy Utilization in the Baltic Sea the case-study of Estonia.pdfDownload
7-3_Mathematical Modeling and Design of a Barrel Cam Based Transmission Mechanism for Uninterrupted Energy Harnessing.pdfDownload
7-4_Zero Emissions Ferries Utilizing PV Shore Connection Hybrid Power System.pdfDownload
8-1_Analysis of Marine Diesel Engine Emission Characteristics Under Bench Test Conditions in China.pdfDownload
8-2_Design of structure and control system of an underwater vehicle for marine environment perception.pdfDownload
8-3_Safe and Environment-friendly approach to recycling of Tanker ship.pdfDownload
8-4_Towards Zero Ship Emissions II – Project Greenship.pdfDownload
8-5_Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) Methods to Combat Climate Change at Marine Ports.pdfDownload