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01_Identification and formulation of Maritime Security Management System from the shore side:an interim report.pdfDownload
02_The influence of resources on the implementation of quality procedures in MET systems and safety at sea (IRMETS).pdfDownload
03_Study in standardizing marine engineering curriculum.pdfDownload
04_Maritime terrorism and developing case studies for teaching and analysis:an interim report.pdfDownload
05_IAMU model course on ECDIS.pdfDownload
06_Study on accreditation of marine engineering programs.pdfDownload
07_Internet-based integration of multiple ship-handling simulators:an interim report.pdfDownload
08_The Professional Profile of a Maritime English Instructor (PROFS):an interim report.pdfDownload
09_Potential consequences of imprecise security assessments.pdfDownload
10_Estimation and allocation of security costs at the Port of Boston.pdfDownload
11_Critical success factors of effective secutity management:a survey of Vietnamese maritime transport service providers.pdfDownload
12_EU Phare Twinning project “strengthening enforcement of maritime safety “.pdfDownload
13_The potential implications of radio frequency identification technology on marine security.pdfDownload
14_The ship security officer - a new challenge for maritime education.pdfDownload
15_Maritime security in a time of challenge:Admiral Makarov State Maritime Academy (SMA) facing the challenges with pride.pdfDownload
16_Examining and promoting ISPS Code training for Chinese seafarers.pdfDownload
17_Maritime security:training, drills and exercises (inherent value).pdfDownload
18_Including ISPS requirements in the MET scheme of the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport through its Regional Maritime Security Institute.pdfDownload
19_The fast track to ISPS Code and national security regulation implementation and the implications for marine educators.pdfDownload
20_An analysis of port state control inspections related to the ISPS Code.pdfDownload
21_Towards effective implementation of the ISPS Code onboard ships.pdfDownload
22_International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code:the perceptions and reality of shore-based and sea-going staff.pdfDownload
23_Seaborne trade effects of international terrorism and effectiveness of the anti-terrorist policy.pdfDownload
24_A ship monitoring system using communication satellite for maritime safety.pdfDownload
25_The ISPS Code as a component of onboard resources in Bayesian analysis..pdfDownload
26_The impact of stowaways and illegal migrants by sea:a case study in Taiwan.pdfDownload
27_Definitions of human factor analysis for the maritime safety management process.pdfDownload
28_Protecting seafarer’s rights – the need to review the implementation of the ISPS code.pdfDownload
29_The doctrine of seaworthiness in the context of the ISPS Code and the relevant amendments to SOLAS 1974.pdfDownload
30_Beyond rules, knowledge and skill.pdfDownload
31_What is quality in a maritime education?.pdfDownload
32_Sustainable development model for maritime training and education using the Six Sigma approach.pdfDownload
33_Use a good “TOP-DOWN” design to train students’ abilities.pdfDownload
34_Strategic curriculum in the Faculty of Maritime Sciences, Kobe University aiming at fostering and enhancing the motivation toward Maritime Science.pdfDownload
35_Mainstreaming health in maritime education and training.pdfDownload
36_Advanced education and research on marine propulsion – new method for analyzing propulsion performance in service.pdfDownload
37_Evaluating sea experience with an eye mark recorder in a ship handling simulator.pdfDownload
38_Development of onboard ship manoeuvring simulators and their application to onboard training.pdfDownload
39_The Intelligent Tutoring System of an Engine Room Simulator.pdfDownload
40_Reducing intercultural communication barriers between seafarers with different cultural backgrounds.pdfDownload
41_Multicultural crews and the culture of globalization.pdfDownload
42_European maritime Post Graduate Programmes for former seafarers.pdfDownload
43_A network of experts for sharing MET knowledge - It works!.pdfDownload
44_Cooperative learning and teamwork effectiveness:impacts of education period on cadets.pdfDownload
45_Quantitative evaluation of consciousness improvement in BRM training.pdfDownload
46_Team organization and independent learning in engine simulator laboratories.pdfDownload
47_Extracts from conversations representing a social constructionist application on research.pdfDownload
48_Proposal of an evaluation method using a physiological index in navigator-centered education.pdfDownload