Global Maritime Professional
Global Maritime Professional (GMP) Initiative
The GMP initiative is intended to meet the envisaged needs of industry and a rapidly evolving educational and career context while catering for the professional development aspirations of individual seafarers. The new concept of a Global Maritime Professional has been described based on information gathered through a comprehensive survey designed and administered to the membership of IAMU and to other stakeholders in the maritime industry.
Contents of the Body of Knowledge (BoK)
To address the educational needs of such GMPs, a committee was formed by the International Executive Board to analyse the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed by such GMPs and set out a number of related Intended Learning Outcomes.
The specified learning outcomes in the BoK are associated with learning outcome taxonomies in three educational domains: cognitive, affective and psychomotor. They are related to different GMP tiers covering various levels of certificates of competency and academic degrees. All of these are presented in a series of tables and guidelines on how the IAMU member universities may use the tables.
Download of BoK
A PDF version of the BoK is available for download. Please click the link below to go to the form page and fill it in.
We will send follow up questions to solicit your views and opinions of the contents of the BoK. As the GMP BoK is a dynamic document, your comments and suggestions are essential for the determination of revisions/improvements to be incorporated in future editions.