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10_Technology challenges and opportunities in the delivery of distance education.pdfDownload
11_Study Programmes for Electro-Technical Officers Development Two-Level Based Approach.pdfDownload
12_The role of formal and informal leadership in the ship crew.pdfDownload
13_The Role of ECDIS in Improving Situation Awareness.pdfDownload
14_The International Maritime Labour Regulatory Framework And Women Mariners A Legal Protective Approach.pdfDownload
15_A Code of Conduct for Shipmasters.pdfDownload
16_ECDIS As New Competence For Deck Officers - Questions And Answers.pdfDownload
17_Advances Through Fast Time Manoeuvring Simulation -.pdfDownload
18_Recruitment and Retention of Women in the Maritime Industry.pdfDownload
19_The Role of the Baltic Sea Region and Poland as a New part of the European LNG Market.pdfDownload
20_Philippine Maritime eLearning Development, Status and Prospects.pdfDownload
21_Situation awareness is a new provision of STCW 78, as amended.pdfDownload
22_A Decision Making Human Resource.pdfDownload
23_Challenges and Opportunities in Maritime Education and Competence Development - a comparative analysis of lessons learnt.pdfDownload
24_Application of an Internet-based Tool for Visualization of Multi-Dimensional Objects with Missing Data in Maritime Education.pdfDownload
25_The Place Of Women in Constanta Maritime University.pdfDownload
26_The Maritime Industry and the Human Element Phenomenon.pdfDownload
27_Maritime Security in the Arctic The threat from non-state actors.pdfDownload
28_Internet-based, multi-media education for classroom and distance learning at MMA.pdfDownload
29_The role of teamwork abilities and leadership skills for the safety of navigation.pdfDownload
30_Recruitment and retention of seafarers -what calls to and keeps individuals in a career at sea.pdfDownload
31_IMPACT - Innovative Maritime Training Products.pdfDownload
32_Developing A Culture of Attentiveness.pdfDownload
33_Simulating the Engine Room of a Hydrogen Powered Cargo Ship.pdfDownload