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  • 12 File Count
40_Cultural Intelligence and Awareness in Maritime Education A Case Study.pdfDownload
41_A career capital approach in the training and development of merchant marine seafarers The case of South Africa.pdfDownload
42_Modelling reasonable operation regimes of the main propulsion plant main diesel engine propeller hull on the general cargo ship.pdfDownload
43_Ballast Water Management Challenges for the Flag State and Port State Control.pdfDownload
44_Whirling vibration characteristics due to lubricating oil pressure in diesel enerator shafting system.pdfDownload
45_A Collaborative Approach to Protecting the Ocean Environment.pdfDownload
46_Floating Power Platforms for Offshore Cold-ironing.pdfDownload
47_The determining torsional vibration daming coefficients algorithm for computing marine shafting's vibrations.pdfDownload
48_Ship Automatic Track keeping At Low Speed.pdfDownload
49_Advanced Navigation System (ANS) in the Mediterranean Sea Regional Project for Management Control System.pdfDownload
50_Construction of Global Shipping Big Data Platform Based on Information Sharing.pdfDownload
51_Logistics and supply chain finance managing financial risks and optimizing financial flows in logistics and supply chains.pdfDownload