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1-1_Optimising the Energy Efficiency of Small Ferries.pdfDownload
1-2_Eco-Piloting Best Practices will Reduce Emissions of Nitrogen Oxides from Passenger Ferry Operations.pdfDownload
1-3_Complications of robotic delineation of oil spills at sea.pdfDownload
1-4_Impacts of Commitment and Goal Setting on Pro-Environmental Behaviors (PEBs) Toward Ocean Conservation, An Exploratory Study.pdfDownload
2-1_Quantifying Fuel Consumption & Emission in Ship Handling Simulation for Sustainable and Safe Ship Operation in Harbour Areas.pdfDownload
2-2_Engine Room Simulator Training for Emergency Preparedness.pdfDownload
2-3_Cybersecurity in the maritime industry, a literature review.pdfDownload
2-4_Preparing Maritime Professionals for Their Future Roles in a Digitalized Era_Ridging the Blackchain Skill Gap in .pdfDownload
2-5_S-Mode_Challenges and Opportunities for MET.pdfDownload
2-6_Weather Routing Software for academic purposes_A pilot study.pdfDownload
2-7_Emergent technologies and maritime transport_challenges and opportunities.pdfDownload
2-8_Cyber Security Testing of Shipboard Chart Radar.pdfDownload
2-9_Training Model Based on The Anchoring Training.pdfDownload
2-11_Using a web-based simulation software in education.pdfDownload
2-12_A Study on Work Load Evaluation Method and Quantitative Evaluation Method for Engine-room Resource Management training.pdfDownload
2-13_VR Training Videos_Using Immersive Technologies to support Experiential Learning Methods in Maritime Education.pdfDownload
2-14_Joint Production of Web-learning Material by IAMU Member Universities.pdfDownload
2-15_A Cluster-Based Approach to Maritime Data Analysis_The Case of SAT-AIS Data Analysis.pdfDownload
3-1_A Combined Qualitative Ship Valuation Estimation Model.pdfDownload
3-2_Determination of Dry Port Location within the Hinterland of Kocaeli Ports by Applying AHP.pdfDownload
3-3_Information Flows in the Global Shipping Industry_A Cointegration Approach.pdfDownload
3-4_Toward Sustainable National Shipping_A Comparative Analysis.pdfDownload
4-1_Educating future generations’master mariners_Using visualisation for recreating, assessing, and learning etc.pdfDownload
4-2_Maritime education and training system require a change to make a competent seafarer for shipping industry.pdfDownload
4-3_Opportunities and challenges for seafarers in higher education_A comparative study of the German and the Swedish system..pdfDownload
4-4_Maritime Digitisation and Its Impact on Seafarers’ Employment from a Career Perspective.pdfDownload
4-5_Maritime Innovation Management – A concept of an innovative course for young maritime professionals.pdfDownload
4-6_Current trends in the maritime profession and their implications for the maritime education.pdfDownload
4-7_Female leaders in maritime professions – Finnish educational aspect.pdfDownload
4-8_From Sailor to Scientist – Reaching Out to Researching Professionals on Doctorate Level.pdfDownload
5-1_Marine Engineering Education Program development due to CDIO concept.pdfDownload
5-2_A Review of Technology, Infrastructure and Human Competence of Maritime Stakeholders on the Path Towards Autonomous.pdfDownload
5-3_Gender equality policies for the incorporation of the gender perspective in maritime studies.pdfDownload
5-4_Process approach for determining competencies.pdfDownload
5-5_Team Resilience in Maritime Emergency Response_Analytical Framework and Implications from Accident Report Analysis.pdfDownload
6-2_The Future Competences of the Marine Engineer.pdfDownload
6-3_Comparative Analysis of Different Current Turbine Designs Based on Relevant Conditions of the Nile River of Egypt.pdfDownload