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01_New approach for safety and security training in simulators.pdfDownload
02_Crossroads community strengthening the Maritime Academy through library scholarship, tradition, service and access..pdfDownload
03_E-navigation requires new methods of training for deck officers.pdfDownload
04_Teaching information communication technology and its development to maritime education professionals.pdfDownload
05_MET and the forces of globalisation or, the DFE versus the FOG!.pdfDownload
06_Women maritime education and training An Egyptian perspective.pdfDownload
07_Some issues of safety assessment in the Ukraine.pdfDownload
08_Methodology to define NOx emissions by ships in port.pdfDownload
09_On improper implementation of Formal Safety Assessment in practice.pdfDownload
10_Global Ieaders Defining ethical and international studies curricula at Kings Point.pdfDownload
11_Application of queuing theory to tankers and other ships that pass through the Istanbul Strait.pdfDownload
12_Fundamentals of ship maintenance and repair for future marine engineers.pdfDownload
13_The development of maritime programs for delivery to overseas students in the UK.pdfDownload
14_Maritime education and its role in improving safety on the sea.pdfDownload
15_What new challenges is МЕТ facing today.pdfDownload
16_Why do we need a global organization to promote excellent MET.pdfDownload
17_Analysis of drifted drums of dangerous goods in Osaka Bay during the great Hanshin-Awaji earthquake.pdfDownload
18_On risk assessment and decision-making while controlling the ship in adverse weather conditions.pdfDownload
19_Coastal records of rapid changes in the eastern Baltic area.pdfDownload
20_Instructor criteria f or the New Maritime Community.pdfDownload
21_A ship's waste reception facility for the marine environment.pdfDownload
22_Integration of technology into bridge resource management human factor perceptions.pdfDownload
23_Organizational Collective Intelligence with its antecedents and consequences for a maritime community.pdfDownload
24_Contemporary maritime activities a case study of transport and logistics research and education at Gdynia Maritime University (GMU).pdfDownload
25_Methodological issues of preparing and conducting computer-assisted exercises on maritime security matters.pdfDownload
26_Some recommendations to the ship master in order to evacuate а cruise ship due to tsunami arrival.pdfDownload
27_Leadership style the continuing gender debate.pdfDownload
28_Common seas, common shores Development of e-Navigation Strategy.pdfDownload
29_The development of teaching material on Iife-saving appliances.pdfDownload
30_Proposal for communication onboard ships in damaged areas network support.pdfDownload
31_On-board training and experienced officers.pdfDownload
32_Maritime education and training IAMU and IMO-Formal research of main concepts and trends.pdfDownload
33_Guidelines and considerations for ship evacuation from а tsunami attack.pdfDownload